Editorial Reviews
The Teacup Novellas - Bestselling author Diane Moody does it again this time with her delightful novella series based on a family heirloom collection of vintage teacups. Each delicate cup and saucer inspires a unique stand-alone story, whether it's set in a college town in Texas, a quaint seaside village in Oregon, or a small rural town just down the road from Nashville. Follow the legacy of these teacups through tales of romance and mystery with a touch of faith. - OBT Bookz
Product Description
Tea with Emma - The Teacup Novellas Book One
Fresh from a Jane Austen tour in England, Maddie Cooper returns home to Texas, determined to bring a touch of "Austen to Austin." She dreams of opening an authentic English tea room and, like Austen's Emma, put into practice her self-proclaimed gift as a matchmaker. But an airport mishap with a cranky Englishman gets her off on the wrong foot (quite literally), especially when he moves into the university guest house across the street. Can Maddie find a love for her unapproachable new neighbor, or has she finally met her match?
The Teacup Novellas - Bestselling author Diane Moody does it again this time with her delightful novella series based on a family heirloom collection of vintage teacups. Each delicate cup and saucer inspires a unique stand-alone story, whether it's set in a college town in Texas, a quaint seaside village in Oregon, or a small rural town just down the road from Nashville. Follow the legacy of these teacups through tales of romance and mystery with a touch of faith. - OBT Bookz
Product Description
Tea with Emma - The Teacup Novellas Book One
Fresh from a Jane Austen tour in England, Maddie Cooper returns home to Texas, determined to bring a touch of "Austen to Austin." She dreams of opening an authentic English tea room and, like Austen's Emma, put into practice her self-proclaimed gift as a matchmaker. But an airport mishap with a cranky Englishman gets her off on the wrong foot (quite literally), especially when he moves into the university guest house across the street. Can Maddie find a love for her unapproachable new neighbor, or has she finally met her match?
Product Details
- File Size: 434 KB
- Print Length: 109 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publisher: OBT Bookz (June 20, 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
- Language: English
- ASIN: B0057QO8Q4
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled