Flight of Deceit (A Novelette)

Book Description

It started off like any other flight. The small single propeller air craft barreled down the runway and ascended. On the ground, the pilot's girlfriend and his best friend smiled and waved as the Cessna disappeared into the clouds.

However, newly licensed pilot Kevin Campbell's first solo flight doesn't go quite as planned. He is forced to overcome panic and inexperience in a desperate attempt to save his life. A life that is not all that it appeared to be.

Flight of Deceit is a gripping and suspenseful 12,000 word novelette that will keep you guessing till the last sentence.

Product Details

  • File Size: 207 KB
  • Publisher: Liquid Mind Media (May 17, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B0084AKR7O
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled