Book Description
A couple of guys on the run for robbery find a deserted town. The cash registers are full, and the bank's door is unlocked. Jackpot! But what's with the army signs? And are the people really gone?
"The Heist" is a short story 10,000 words, 24 print pages, 766 Kindle sections in long. It is a parody of horror zombie movies.
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"The Heist" is a short story 10,000 words, 24 print pages, 766 Kindle sections in long. It is a parody of horror zombie movies.
Please view the sample before purchasing.
Editorial Reviews
"This was a super fun read!!! The characters are believable, likable and all out fun:-)" --MsBDiamondDiva1,
"This was a super fun read!!! The characters are believable, likable and all out fun:-)" --MsBDiamondDiva1,
Product Details
- File Size: 125 KB
- Print Length: 30 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publisher: Kidneymountain Publishing; Kindle edition (July 25, 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled